$ cat ~/welcome.txt

Antony % Portfolio

This portfolio website uses the VT323 font-family, which is Licensed under the Open Font License, and is styled after the VT320 1987 computer terminal. It's optimized for a desktop experience. The drop down display may not properly work on mobile, alongside some of the other more finnicky code, until further optimization has been done on the web-page. The website uses HTML, Javascript, and CSS through the ReactJS framework, and was built with code written by me in Visual Studio Code.

The basic text color is set to 'forestgreen', while the highlighted outlines are set to 'darkseagreen' when on-hover. The website uses functional components and hooks as opposed to Class components, since I believe functional components are cleaner to work with. I have eslint enabled to ensure my code is not ugly.

Antony % Portfolio$ ls

Antony % Portfolio

Antony % Portfolio$ cd pages/projects.js

Currently, I've been involved in two major projects.

> Cherp

The Rundown

Cherp is a message-based creative writing website written with a ReactJS, PostgreSQL, Redis, and SlimPHP tech stack.

A lot of my work on Cherp has been on the frontend and decomposing parts of the old code into separate components, but I've been involved in the backend too.


This is an image of the current home page.

first cherp image

The page to register a new character with tags that will pre-fill on taggable entities they're attached to.

second cherp image


The Cherp journey was a rather strange one- I was onboarded to a sparingly commented repository with no automated testing enabled. Any time a member of the team would make a modification to either the frontend or backend, it risked breaking something elsewhere in the site. Obviously, this resulted in a poor experience for end-users.

Recently, I've taken it upon myself to add phpunit tests for backend functions and cypress end to end tests to make sure everything is working consistently for the most important use cases.

> siUCode

The Rundown

siUCode is a project developed with the 'Tech Dawgs' Registered Student Organization and community outreach in mind. It's similar in essence to LeetCode, CodeAcademy, and Scratch, but oriented towards younger developers in the middle-school range. It does away with the need for younger developers to setup the complicated parts of a dev environment and allows experimentation with various languages.

My work on siUCode primarily involved developing the frontend. We used the ChakraUI component / CSS library and extended our own components from the base ones they provided. I spent a lot of time glancing at our Azure sprints and taking stories based on their priority / what we discussed at Scrum meetings. Unit tests were implemented from the start on the backend and frontend, but end to end tests only came into the picture towards the end of the project through, which I spent a considerable amount of time configuring.


This is an image of the current landing page.

first cherp image

The home page.

second cherp image

The search page.

second cherp image


I appreciated having stories to work through and prioritize- as well as having tests be a part of the development process from the start. Anytime someone in the team made a change to the repository, a Github workflow ran our test suites and notified us of failures. This allowed us to ensure we weren't merging broken code.